Radioisotope Usage Facility,
The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research
Radioisotope Usage Facility, Institute for Protein Research
Radioisotope Usage Facility, Institute of Laser Engineering Usage Facility of Ultra-high Voltage Electron Microscope Selective
Radiation Generator
Radioisotope Usage Facility, Radioisotope Research Center (Suita branch)
Radioisotope Usage Facility, Radioisotope Research Center (Toyonaka branch)
Radioisotope Usage Facility, Nuclear Physics Research Center
*2 核燃料使用施設[Nuclear Fuel Usage Facility]
Department of Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering,
School of Engineering
Radiation Science Experiment Laboratory, Graduate School of Science
注1 [Note 1]: 平成30年4月1日よりRIセンター(豊中分館)に統合済み
Integrated with RI Radioisotope Research Center (Toyonaka branch) from April 1, 2018
注2 [Note 2]: 令和3年4月1日よりRIセンター(吹田本館)に統合済み
Integrated with RI Radioisotope Research Center Suita from April 1, 2021